The article considers a reiteration on the importance of knowing literature for the intellectual development of the reader, essentially, the infantile one, having as main focus the workmanship This is pirate thing, of Wander author Antunes. PALAVRAS-CHAVE literature, formation of the reader, discoveries He would not be new to say that knowing literature becomes the reader more each brought up to date time and chemical preparation to face all the existing incognito in the world. that is through the reading, of the experience of the personages and in the significance of the history that the reader enriches its knowledge and becomes prepared to unmask the human behavior. The reading of ‘ ‘ This is thing of Pirata’ ‘ certainly if it becomes important for the formation of the infantile reader, a time that the absorption made for the reader of the workmanship is of great relevance. The reader enters in the imaginary world of sininho and its group to save an admired city, Cuiab, of the claws of a maldoso, full pirate me the intention. Wander Antunes knew to explore very well history, to sharpen the sensitivity of all the infantile readers, or adults, after all, the adults also enchant themselves with this fabuloso world, the infantile one. The adult is the way so that the small ones if interest for the done world they, is through the adult who the infantile reader starts to know the workmanships. Fanny Abramovich (2008, p17.) displays that it is hearing histories that if can feel (also) emotions important, as the sadness, the anger, the irritation, well-being, the fear, the joy, the terror, the unreliability, the tranquillity, that is, to deeply live everything that the narrative provokes to reads who it. Leaving of this estimated, we perceive that the reader of ‘ ‘ This is Thing of Pirata’ ‘ if it sees in all the sensations explored for Abramovich.
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