Amazon One

To produce more started to have greater importance of what to offer quality. The industrial revolution and the sprouting of the new technologies had created the idea of being able. … Today, when crime is spread, the human being fight for a ceiling, food, culture and a space its (VICTORINO, 2000, p 17). Diamonds is often quoted on this topic. Figure 2: Narrow river of the park of mind in Manaus. Source: Research of field, 2011. The constatao in this photo of that the man comes in brutal way destroying the environment, shows as the water comes suffering with entulhada from lixos from all the types of objects, as bottles pet, bottles of detergent, boxes of isopor, toys, refrigerators and others. As Amazon is surrounded of igaraps, this garbage comes if dragging of all part of state entulhando in one it reserves, deviating the route of waters, not leaving, thus, the water to follow its natural course.

With the deforestation that comes growing of mismanaged form causing pollution in the bushes and rivers, she is necessary to remember that the degradation of the water has consequences right-handers on the fauna, the flora and the health of the man (GEO MUNDI, 2007). The unfamiliarity of its importance for the maintenance of the life in common to the planet for great part of the people necessary to be reverted by means of a proposal conscientious on the question of the scarcity of the water. This also cause it estresse hdrico in the relation between the natural availability and the diverse uses that the man makes of the water, as the practical pernicious agriculturist, who has been one of main the responsible ones for the transformation of fertile areas in deserts in everybody. Agriculture is one of the main absorvedores of supplying waters, without speaking that without one it has controlled adequate in agriculture becomes, it responsible for the indirect pollution of bodies d? water due the use of the agrotxicos.