Carlos Mora Vanegas Brazil once more becomes host to transcendent events towards looking for solutions that allow to UNASUR, CALC, MERCOSUR reaching sane, that they promote in their development, integration, problems that belong to them. On this occasion, more than 30 heads of State are invited to the triple Summit of MERCOSUR, Unasur and CALC […]
Month: October 2016
Demetrio Magnoli
When we analyze the international conjuncture, that as Demetrio Magnoli is one ' ' anarquia' ' , therefore all the States are sovereign and independent, we observe that depending on the carried through approach, we possess centers of being able and that they spread out to these for one given it to region or regions. […]
Atlanta And The Real Estate Market
Like the State of Georgia, the Atlanta State has an unemployment rate higher than the national average, no doubt this is a major concern for the US Government (about 10.4 percent compared with 9 percent). The real estate market, in particular the slowdown in the construction of new buildings says that the problem is according […]
Antique Guide
Not far away near Munich, the Farm Museum is located Jexhof. What unites Munich’s art and antiquities guides all antique guide, with this farm museum that describes the life of a peasant family in 1920 Since it is important first to define an antique to illuminate – the Internet is the way, all in the […]
Premium Top IV
It is not possible in times of crisis offer a good profitability in banking products in the short term. Last year, this strategy was possible and in fact many entities used it with good results: short-term deposits whose interests exceeded four percent. Savings deposits are a few products very demanded by the Spaniards, but now […]