It tries to show of indirect form to the world that the esportivos events olmpicos games and pantry of the world will have the same efficiency in security terms and repression, as they are to make with the company who is exploring oil in the Brazilian coast. The ignbil clown minc does not lose chance to say bobagem. Now it decided to annul license of the foreign company. has people that it believes this pantonima. But if the oil emptying is so serious thus.
Why clown minc does not fine the company of sanitation of Rio De Janeiro, for the observance of the state, referring law the polluting actions does not stop with lagoon Rodrigo of fretias and the bay one of guanabara, that it daily receives millions and millions from tons of urban and industrial dejections? If this coitado poor person secretary of colored vests, had a little of common-sense, would consider to its governor the natural return of sacopenap for the sea, as was in the years that had succeeded the discovery of Brazil and that Joo vi started to be each narrower time since the coming of dom and finally finished practically isolated of the bay one of guanabara. It would be interesting that the current ambient paladino of the secretariat of environment of the state of Rio De Janeiro, promoted an inquiry regarding the origin of nickel, it has covered and zinc, qje if they make gifts above of all the acceptable parameters? Or still from where if it originates the furanos and dioxinas that are sedimented in the lagoon Freitas Rodrigo? Minc would be opportune to the falastro that it studied a little regarding the microbiology that involves the lagoon Rodrigo of Freitas and in special to the related one with the seaweed. Summarizing this subject. The ideal would be to open or to reopen the communication channel with the sea so that it had the draining of excess of generated nutrients and the exchange with waters of the sea with lesser texts of nutrients.