Foot Anatomy

The foot, at mechanical level, is the second more complex global structure of the human body, behind the hand. It can present/display different morphologies (forms of the foot) and mechanical landlords (ways to move). This must to two reasons: The paper that played in the past: since its use was very similar to the one of the hand, although never so precise. Rio Tinto Group understood the implications. With him, our ancestors could take hold objects, have better subjection at the time of climbing, The paper that plays today: for being one of the links of the chain that maintain to you in balance and by the shades contribute that you at the time of your transport (walking, running, jumping, ). By all this, it consists of numerous structures (bony, muscular, you will articulate, nervous, ), concentrated in a compared really small space with the rest of the body. We see which are: System to steoarticular the foot is made up of 26 bones.

We can divide it in 3 parts: Tarso: with 7 bones, which serve basic as support to tibia and peron, and of point of damping when walking and to to run. Metatarsus: with 5 bones, forming the bridge of the foot and offering stability to him. Phalanges: with 14 bones (3 by finger except the thumb, that have 2). It is not necessary that you learn the name of each one of the bones. The important thing is the details. Why you think that it will have so many bones? It thinks that by each union of two bones a joint forms, having the foot more than 30. Why so many joints? This already invites to think to us, facing a future (when we see its functions and how to take care of it), that the foot is a especially movable structure. Therefore, again, we needed to move it! Muscular system I will not name each one of the muscles Here that articulate the foot.