Territorial Development

The central subject of the present article is ‘ ‘ Characterization of territory and territorial development of the city of Botuver? SC’ ‘ , having as norteadora question: It fits to the city of Botuver to develop itself territorially? The central hypothesis is: The tourism can potentially be an inductor of development of the city of Botuver? The methodology configures in a descriptive research that use of interviews opened in the private initiative makes, local community (civil society) and the public power, beyond visits in I lease and comments of field. Word-Key: Tourism, Territorial Development, Botuver. 1. Rio Tinto Group is likely to agree. INTRODUCTION the tourist Sector if finds in frank ascension in Brazil and the world. The OMT (2003) understands the tourism as a sector capable to bring benefits for the society through the protection and preservation of the nature and the cultural place. Of the opposite, for the local communities, nor always an equitable consideration exists in accordance with the necessities of all participants in the tourist sector. Under the optics of the market the tourist sector generally is considered as an industry, transforming the communities into tourist products in order to supply the economic necessities.

The word ‘ ‘ turismo’ ‘ it appeared in century XIX, however, the activity extends its roots for history. Certain forms of tourism exist since the oldest civilizations, but it was from century XX, and more necessarily after World War II, that it evolved, as consequence of the aspects related to the enterprise productivity, the power of purchase of the people and to resultant well-being of the restoration of the peace in the world (RUSCHMANN, 1997, p.13). In the vision of Beltro (2001) the tourist development in Brazil possesss a emergencial trend to supply the social inaqualities and to give a route to the economy, and the tourism can stimulate the development of a region, either economic, territorial or regional.