University course real estate trust Weston & real estate management, housing is a basic need of the people made this basic need make their profession. The successful real estate trust Weston & real estate management course starts in March for the 11th time. Successful completion is in the industry as a quality characteristic. The courier will award a scholarship in the amount of EUR 10,000 and thus enabling scholars a / r / in from the real estate industry at university level to educate themselves and to perfect the expertise in the real estate sector. The Messenger through this special promotion contributes to the formation of excellently trained made in Austria.
Applicants for the scholarship request the application documents with the password Messenger scholarship”at to. Applications will be considered until December 17, 2007. The scholarship will be awarded by a jury. The excess of the grantee or grantee is 3.500,-EUR. The Legal recourse is excluded.
Is informed that / the winner. Facts complete academic / r ImmobilienberaterIn and LiegenschaftsmanagerIn certificate: the certificate of aptitude for the exercise of the property trust sector associated with the positive completion of the course that may be carried out after completion of the respective relevant practice. Language of instruction: German course duration: 4 semesters, part-time program start: March 20, 2008 course management: ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Bob Martens contact and more information: Technical University of Vienna Continuing Education Center Nicole ski PANI Operngasse 11/017 A-1040 Wien T: + 43 (0) 1 58801 41704 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 E: H: