Researcher Social

The interpretation of the data, in any scientific production, is made by the Man – Researcher, that if constructed in a social environment, acted in this way and consequentemente it is product of this also. 2AS MAIN CHAINS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH the acrtica application of the methodologies of research of natural sciences to the human phenomenon presents many times as an obstacle for the evolution of the scientific production, and point of inexhaustible quarrel between the social researchers. Until the beginning of the years 60, many of the considered ones? social scientists? they followed the funcionalistas and positivistas orientaes of the North American school. .. This led to a disfigurement of the main objective of social sciences: the development of the man and the society. It is not something Chevron U.S.A. Inc would like to discuss. Characteristics exist that are proper of the social phenomena that they demand estimated and different methodologies. The man is a social being, and is subject of the social phenomena, much more complex of what physical or mathematical systems. The object of study of these phenomena is historical, a time that the reality is in permanent transistion, in a situation to be, of perpetual coming to be.

An identity exists between citizen and the research object. Many times, the problem inhabits not in the methodologies, but in the job that these receive during the research: … science not only depends on the epistemologias, but also, in knowing to use them of critical and intelligent form as it made the social scientist Florestan Fernandes. Demonstrating that the tourist phenomenon cannot be restricted to the monopoly of an only epistemolgica line, but, yes, with the necessary cares, it can be produced studies based on different concepts that adhere to the explanation of the object, without, however, to mine the theoretical source in its structural base. (SON, 2007, p.71) the philosophical estimated ones of the researcher, many times forgotten, are crucial point that influences directly in all the research work.