Premium Top IV

It is not possible in times of crisis offer a good profitability in banking products in the short term. Last year, this strategy was possible and in fact many entities used it with good results: short-term deposits whose interests exceeded four percent. Savings deposits are a few products very demanded by the Spaniards, but now the bet is to generate a long-term, or with increasing credit investment. This is a strategy that eventually be adopted and savings banks here until at least two years more.An entities that has ventured into such products more strongly is Caixa Geral, which has entered the market several options to deposit savings in the long term, as the growing deposit Premium Top IV, which is one year, but offers the option of suspension from three in three months and guaranteed capital. The interest has reference to Euribor at three months, with a differential that grows every three months. In this way, the customer gets an income that the EURIBOR is compounded a 1.20% at the end of the period of liquidation.Campaign shoots blue of Barclays for the counters growing deposit, has launched a deposit saving long term (5 years), with three annual opportunities to recover the money before the expiration of the deposit savings without any penalty.

The final profitability of the tank after five years is 3.53%. Banco Popular offers a deposit saving called the lug, with 3.2% of profitability, with 18 months of permanence and liquidations monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or, of course, to their maturity.Unicaja has open the growing deposit for 3 years, with a return that, as its name indicates, is growing, and goes from 2 to 2.5 percent, for a minimum of six thousand euros; There is also the Unicaja growing deposit five years, with performance that can reach 3.7% and a final APR of 3%. Another entity that offers this type of savings deposits is Caixa Galicia, that bets to the tank On lift-off, with a yield of 2.5% per annum for the first six months; 2.75% for the second semester and finally a 3.75 per cent the third, indicating that if the investment is held three semesters profitability will be 3.03%. In the event that funds are withdrawn during the first 12 months will penalize us with an or 5% nominal annual…These products indicate that, indeed, saving deposits offered by the pews will be trend to end of the year and early 2010, with attractive returns but long-term, while deposits savings in the short term will continue to exist and remain popular, but with less interest on the part of the entities to promote them.