Working with our dog, that learns the basic orders of obedience (always using Positive Reinforcements), to teach abilities to him, playing with him of suitable and jovial way, they help to strengthen that emotional bond. Also the cepillado one favors much the close relation that we go a to create with ours ” amigo”. The handling exercises (I insist, with Positive Reinforcements), massages, TTouch, to use slow movements of down preferably upwards, calmed, with serious and low tones of voice, entrecerrados eyes (without watching front), caresses in favor of the hair, long and with the together fingers, to know each and every one of the signals pacification to know when we are being too much ” presionantes” and to be able to vary our behavior all this aid to construct the immense castle of the bond with strong and firm foundations. Our attitude is also important. The dog must learn to respect to us and to admire us by our calm, our security in we ourself and because we controlled all the situations on the basis of ours ” language corporal” , that we must dominate and control by very difficult, complicated or dangerous that a situation becomes. All this we must always analyze them from the prism of knowing and knowing sensitivity, character and temperament of ours ” compaero”. Although it seems something very complicated, arduous and that locks up difficulties (in fact it is it), if we have done a good work in the first months and we have given continuity we are him whereupon our dog enjoys yet to our side what we do by and for him. If we centered all this in the bond and the union that we must obtain with our dog for the sport work he would give for another article because we do not have to forget that in any discipline which we carry out, the dog and we are one and if connection in this ” does not exist; team” , note and much..
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