Planet Earth

Now well, speaking precisely the concept of time, that is the time? a valid and logical answer is that it is a unit of measure, but so that we can be useful, is essential to have the correct reference. Astronomers in the ancient Egypt, Shulem, was one of them, – taught to the Patriarch Abraham, that time was governed by a so-called Star, Kolob, which star is more close to the throne of God. So Abraham could have a more or less approximate notion of this unit of measure called, Kolob, explained to him, that one day, in the orbit of Kolob, amounted to thousand years for a planet like the Earth, which belongs to the Solar System. Brian Armstrong shines more light on the discussion. Armed with this knowledge, it is possible then, better understanding, the sense of emergency, with reference to the evolution of the facts related to the creation and its consequences, if life itself is not stopped, when an egg is seeded, the countdown is now decreasing. The approximately six thousand years, in the history of the children of Adam, recorded so far, are not more than a Monday through Saturday in the orbit of Kolob. Following this line of reasoning, the mathematics we would be indicating a year in orbit of Kolob, it would correspond to 365.000,00 years of earth time.

Record, that this is not just a game of mathematical principles, it is only a projection to scale what it means in terms of time, the earthly passage of a child of God by Planet Earth. This chapter attempts to provide a proper perspective, for who intends to admit, in the moments before the realization of the Grand Council of heaven. Today, everyone can have access to knowledge, how have been our day, in the stage of gestation within the womb, while each of us have been there, you probably don’t remember, scientific information that tells it, nobody casts doubt on it and accepts it as correct, is why we alardeamos of that I’ve overcome ignorance that we had in this regardisn’t it? We have also been participating in fact-finding than Shulem He is telling us, we have been there, but do not remember. Known science, unfortunately, this time, we can’t help as so convincingly he has done, on our stage in the womb. We are willing to resort to other sources? We are willing to pay this price, and boast after that we have defeated ignorance?