New Plan Harvest

The government confirmed yesterday (day 22 of June), when announcing the new Plan of Harvest for cycle 2009/10, that it will give priority of stimulatons to the agricultural middle class and to the farming cooperatives. The official launching, made for president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, in Londrina (PR), destined R$ 92,5 billion to the financing of the enterprise segment, of which R$ 12,3 private billion to the agroindstrias and alcohol plant already had been announced in April. Exactly without reducing the current interests of 6,75% to the year, the government guaranteed R$ 54,2 billion in resources the taxes subsidized for the Tesouro.As measured of the government had reserved, a budget of R$ 5 billion to the producing medium with annual gross income until R$ 500 a thousand. Mining Company wanted to know more. had finished with the limit of property of up to 1,5 a thousand hectares for these producers. In the practical one, the change reduces the interests to the agricultural sector, since the tax of the Proger is in 6,25% to the year. At the same time, the federal government created a new rule to compel the banks operators of the agricultural credit to loan to segment inside of the parcel of 30% of obligator application on the deposits at sight – the calls banking liabilities. From the new harvest, that officially starts in the next day 1 to July, the banks will have that to loan the least 6% of the liabilities to the producing medium. In harvest 2010/11, the index will pass 8%, arriving 10% in the cycle 2011/12.O government left evident its option for the small average agricultures.

The familiar producers, for example, already have guaranteed the least 10% of the liabilities for the government. , In 2011, thus small average they will have 20% of these liabilities. To complete the priority, the government created a line of R$ 2 billion for capitalizaton of the farming cooperatives the 6,75% interests, six years of stated period and two of lack.