Hermgenes Language

The test of this can better be explained in the book ' ' The Jewish-crist&#039 Sacred Bible; ' , where a man, using itself only of the language, can commit so great atrocities; ' ' God said: it makes-se' ' , and it was made. Because It said, he was made. The language possesss, thus, a power that enchants, bringing the mstico for the world. Since old Greece, the philosophers had been worried in defining which origin the causes of the language. The first contrary point of view appears accurately with the workmanship analyzed here? Crtilo, next to the personages: Scrates, Hermgenes and Crtilo. The language is born for Naturalismo or Convencionalismo. Thus, the language is natural to the men (it exists by its very nature) or is a social convention (something that if attributes agreement in common)? In this direction, if the language will be natural, the words possesss and essential a precise meaning, but it will be conventional (the decisions that depend on the consensus of the majority) becomes arbitrary, since the society could have chosen other words to nominate the things. Hermgenes, dialoguing with Scrates, in such a way defends the idea of that the names are resulted consensuals, being able to be individual how much collective to depend on what if it wants to nominate, therefore the things of the world, as well as the words, are in constant flow. For Scrates, the names espelham the nature of the things, being these, what not dumb. Scrates starts to argue its ideas from the primitive names that they are established for deuses, those whose power is granted to attribute name correct to objects, and that, the legislator, is the artist, whose which has for function to understand the primitive names and to argue the veracity of these well, that are nominated by deuses, that is, must know to impose the sounds and the syllables of the names that are of course appropriate for each thing.