Family Budget

Hi! In order to plan for your family budget in line with the seasons, the threshold of various holidays, I made a calendar of expenses the family budget. With the aid of this anticipate spending the family budget by month. I hope this kind of calendar, cheatsheet will help ease the maintenance of the family budget. In general, I recommend that you print etotkalendar and every month to look into it. So you're ready all seasonal purchases and costs are not greatly affect the family budget.

In short zatsenivayte! January. At this time the New Year holidays fall. Do not forget to put in the budget money for the festive meal, entertainment fireworks, gifts and t.d.V close this month, we have Christmas, Old New Year Since our deputies still have not dampened the New Year holidays, then, working in January, fewer days, you will receive in February, lower wages, than obychno.Poetomu do not forget to put money stock on the 'hungry' February:) February. This month we edet Day of Defender of the Fatherland: Consider spending on gifts to her lover as well as we launched no less beloved women. After 8 Martha for gorami.Tak remembers. If you rent or sell an apartment or other real estate, has won the lottery, etc., give the tax office income tax return. Timing of its submission before the end of .No practice shows that most people put off the procedure until recently. Therefore, in April formed long queues. It is better to do beforehand.