Euro Ball

started to be applied aofutebol. The passed year, with Euro 2008 and 09 Fifa the game continued to aevoluir. The rhythm went up a little and was perfect, some foramcorrigidos lapses and the result was recognized for criticizes it to all as omelhor game of soccer of the new generation. Realism is the word key when it is said of the jogabilidade of Fifa10. The players can for the first time move themselves in any direco, instead of the 8 traditional ones. This newness frees the paramovimentos players never before visas. The physics of the ball is completamenteindependente and roa the perfection.

This makes possible an infinite number dejogadas and makes with that each game is a completely new history. Exactly without the ball in the feet, the game is emotive and each more real time. The players dispute the positions body the body and try to protect> abola or to unbalance the adversary. The soccer is a contact game eFifa 10 portraies this fact in the best way until a dates. The maisreais keep-nets also are more intelligent and are each time. It has an additional direction of urgency that takes the players to adespachar the ball in any way in pressed situations.

Murro in the ball of the keep-nets can serum or a desperate kick of one defesaquando is gives to be exceeded by the aggressor. Estescomportamentos becomes the players most human and the maisemocionante game. In Fifa 08 the arbitrator was invisible, appearing only for darcartes. The last year was inserted in the game and this year still has maisdestaque. Without being necessary to appeal the chamber changes, the rbitroapita, it informs the players and of the cards. 0ccasionally the ball acertamesmo in the judge and change of trajectory. The Be way Pro continues to evolve and now ProfissionalVirtual is called. In this way we join a little of RPG to the game and have that criarum player and takes it until the o top.