
Eunice, young woman of supplied family, had an only boyfriend, namoro lasted eight years. They said the bad languages that Eunice went to make weddings of silver of namoro. Certain day the boyfriend disappeared. It engravidou a girl and married obliged in the policy. , already also had of this.

The marriage in I police was fast, did not run the proclamations. In the notary’s office he was more delayed. Eunice had a escultural body, was what they said; in the beach, bathing suit, it called attention. She was cautious and she was the first woman of its generation that left house to work in bank, bank clerk. In the banks woman it did not have time. Eunice was and took one takes of young women following its footprints. It gave everything of itself to be best and was the first one to assume one manages.

When this happened Eunice already counted on thirty and five years, and never more nobody namorou. It did not have time! Until in the bank he appeared a youngster of its age that was owner of a net of hotels. Eunice if enamored, brought up to date the enxoval and ordered the fianc dress. Its family was radiating, ordered party, Eunice happy and certain day appeared in the young bank a very simple ones that brought obtains a child who presented as being son of the fianc of Eunice. The child was the face of the father. Eunice questioned the fianc who confessed to be the father of the child; the young woman worked in the hotel and as it was of legal age was not obliged to marry. Eunice returned the alliance, the letters, did not only return the Neruda because it kept to read later. It congregated its familiar ones and communicated that she more did not go to marry. Its mother if despaired because its son went to be spoken and argued that the party was paid and the ready dress of fianc and that Eunice had a reputation to watch over.