Growing misinformation in defining the characteristics that offer organic products has led to forming a little confident consumer to these foods, reluctant to rely on the possibilities that offer and the benefits that contribute to their health and the environment. Therefore, companies need to know position these products in order to not mislead or create doubts in the consumer. A very ingrained term that is often confused with ecological is natural and they should not be confused under any circumstances. When we speak of natural farming, we usually refer to all those products that have been obtained from conventional agriculture. Ecological refers, however, to the way in which the products were grown: without hormones, pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics, etc. for example, an orange may be natural because nature produces it, but that does not mean that chemicals have not been used to produce it. An organic Orange, however, dispenses with this type of farming based on the use of chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. Consumers of organic food requires products that ensure a healthy life, and, as such, it is necessary to ensure them conditions optimal quality in these foods without additives or chemicals that may harm his life, in addition to more flavor or properties and nutrients, as it is the case of the green oranges, in relation to which a study of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia showed that they have more vitamin C than those from traditional agriculture.
An ecological product, therefore:-comes from agriculture or organic farming. -You may never be associated with terms such as integral, dietary or transgenic. -It is produced without the use of their stale chemical synthesis. -Obtained respecting the pace of growth of plants or animals. -Formulated without the addition of artificial substances such as additives, colourings or aromas.