Day Of The Woman: Day Of Dilma

To each day 08 of March, some commemorations if expand in the cities: the women are congratulated by ' ' its dia' '. They receive flowers in the traffic light, the restaurant; they receive congratulaes for where they pass. Joust homage, but mere recognition, without new positionings and respect, sketches a contestvel demaggico speech. Let us recollect that the feminine fight is arduous and already lasts years. But she is necessary to stand out: Brazil lives, in 2011, a historical moment. We have first the days of the women under the leadership politics of a woman. President Dilma Rousseff represents progress and matureness politician, social and historical of our country.

We cannot commemorate with the mesmice of always, need to enhance the instant, to enaltecer the representation of this fact and to bradar against the injustices that still remain latent and intrinsic in our society. In each sector of our life it is social, familiar, we can carry through diverse ' ' leituras' ' of the paper of the woman. On the basis of this, we observe literature: several women had been created (by men? you celebrate writers) and had gained life proper. These personages had started to exist because they represent other women who cry, they love, they fight, they defend its offspring, its interests, its country, defend its classroom. In the social scope, we come across in them with the common women, the responsible ones for the enormous collective gear. The domestic, the collector of bus, the wives, mothers, children, politics, personages of the daily world. They also are strong, of fight, also demarcate its paper of woman. Then, she appears, in way to as much, another personage.

Who is Dilma? The one that book it belongs? It belongs to the book of the evolution of the Brazilian woman. She lived deeply the military dictatorship and she suffered consequncias from this period. It represents the woman-mother, woman-grandmother, woman capable to tame and to occupy space that not age of woman. However valley to remember Dilma was not created by one celebrates writer, was created by millions of Brazilians who had bet in it its hopes. The election of Dilma it constitutes honors to the woman. Congratulations to all the Brazilian women!